Kroenke vs. Jones: who wins the title of “worst NFL owner?”

Football is back. The Dallas Cowboys face off against the Los Angeles Rams this Saturday for the first game of the preseason and the first NFL game in L.A. in 21 years.

It’s only fitting that L.A. is playing host to the return of football. Rams owner Stan Kroenke and Cowboys owner Jerry Jones worked for years to get the Rams back in L.A. with Jones backing Kroenke because of his deep pockets and enormous Inglewood stadium plan.

Months ago, we put both owners on watch for their ruthlessness, greed, and anti-fan behavior. So before the Cowboys and Rams go head-to-head, we want to find out: who wins the title of worst owner? Kroenke or Jones?

In his most callous move to date, Kroenke said he didn’t “ha[ve] any desire to lead the charge out of St. Louis,” and then agreed to relocate the Rams six years later. St. Louis fans were left furious and betrayed by Kroenke’s money grab.

Then there’s Jones, who once claimed, “It’s absurd [to] say there’s a relationship [between] CTE and playing football.” By trying to cover-up the seriousness and risks of concussions, Jones is part of the reason fans and players have lost trust in the league over the past few years.

And let’s not forget that time Kroenke was caught violating player’s rights, squeezing players under the laws of the state he just left.

But when players aren’t getting screwed over, fans are. After the Super Bowl in 2011, some 1,000 fans filed a lawsuit against Jones for fraud and deceptive sales practices.

Which owner’s offenses against fans and players are worse? Who takes the cake for worst NFL owner? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter and if we’ve missed anything, add to our list of reasons why Kroenke and Jones are on watch.

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  • Michael Berryman
    commented 2016-08-12 19:53:12 -0400
    Jerry Jones Is The Worst Owner Because He Didn’t Rebuild His Cowboys Back A Winning Team And They Haven’t Made The Playoffs Since Troy Aikman Retired
  • ina pillar
    commented 2016-08-12 16:50:29 -0400
    Definitely Snyder
  • David Chagnon
    commented 2016-08-12 14:36:11 -0400