We’ve written before how bad the new Texas Rangers stadium proposal is for fans. And now it’s nearly decision time.
The billionaire owners of the Rangers want $500 million in taxpayer money to fund a new stadium, and a ridiculous funding scheme to pay for it is on the ballot for Arlington voters to decide. While proponents say a new stadium is in the best interests of the fans, we know better. On top of using public money, the proposal would raises prices for tickets and parking.
The more you look, the worse it is. Further analysis has shown that instead of a 50-50 split between private and public funding, at the end of the day, it may end more like 80-20, creating even more burden on taxpayers.
Evenmore, the Rangers ballpark was built to last 100 years, and at 22, it’s still in excellent shape.
Once again, fans are about to get screwed by a stadium deal. And this isn’t just happening in Texas, it happens in cities across the country. A Brookings report last month revealed that since 2000, taxpayers have spent over $3.7 billion in public funding for stadiums. This has got to stop.
So what can you do? Add your name to oppose this Rangers deal, and stadium deals everywhere that put owner greed ahead of the fans.
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