SFC's Letter to US Soccer

This weekend, leading up to an important Board of Directors' meeting in New York, we sent a letter to Secretary General/CEO of USSF, Dan Flynn.

In it, we offer solutions for 11 points of concern we identified with respect to the upcoming that about the presidential election. The topics span conflict of interests, election logistics, and other problems that could cause the election to be seen as illegitimate. 

"The adoption of the proposals contained in this letter will demonstrate to soccer fans around the country as well as the other stakeholders whom the USSF has a duty to serve  that the USSF hears their voices and that it means what it says on its website, i.e. that it 'represent[s] all facets of soccer in the United States' and is responsible to all of the constituent groups comprising its millions of members," writes Brian Hess, Acting Executive Director. 

You can read the entire letter here

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