Sports fans need Distant Network Signals

This week, the House Energy & Commerce and Senate Commerce Committees will hold hearings on the Satellite Television Extension and Localism Act Reauthorization (STELAR), which allows Satellite TV companies to distribute out-of-market local broadcast TV signals in limited situations, such as where a small market lacks a network affiliate. So, if you live in a rural area without a local affiliate, you can still keep up with your sports by watching a neighboring market's station.

Congress must reauthorize STELAR every five years. This gives lawmakers the chance to re-examine the state of the video marketplace. Sports play a vital role in this conversation. As such, it is imperative that Congress protect the ability for fans to receive Distant Network Signals.

“Sports fans around the country rely on Distant Network Signals for their games,” said Brian Hess, Executive Director of Sports Fans Coalition, “Thousands of fans who enjoy tailgating and watching the game using a portable satellite dish would lose that experience if Congress fails to reauthorize STELAR. From in-home TV, to TV at the tailgate, fans deserve access to their games. SFC is calling upon Congress to reauthorize the Satellite Television Extension and Localism Act and protect these fans from losing the games they love.”

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