Especially after the revealing CTE study from a few weeks ago, you can no longer deny the long term dangers of contact sports -- especially football. Brain injuries can cause irreparable damage that can change your personality, cognitive functions, or mental state.
However, research now suggests there are ways that “we can rewire the brain.” The neuroplasticity, especially in younger brains, allows us to “re-establish once-blocked pathways.” This not only can improve motor functions and memory but also treat anxiety and depression that is a common symptom of brain injury.
Football, especially with younger players, is on the decline. Parents are becoming more fearful of the long-term consequences of the sport. There are almost 26,000 fewer players in the 2016-2017 season than the year before that. And, unfortunately, this means that high schools are having to shut down their programs.
Sadly, the trend shows no sign of slowing down. Parents have a reason to be concerned, but the benefits of football are still there. It provides valuable socializing for young players and can teach them the importance of teamwork and discipline. The only way this trend stops is if the NFL steps up and does the right thing, admits it lied to the public and leads the way with innovative research and product development.
So if you think the NFL needs to step up and do the right thing, join us so we can take the fight to them.
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